(cba:news) and for ER UMa and Paloma = RX0524+42

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Thu Jan 5 22:16:05 EST 2012

Like BK Lyn, these two stars are also featured on the CBA menu, and 
flashing apparent negative superhumps - plus some other signals.
If we have a roughly correct model of a negative superhump, the star 
should have a slowly wobbling accretion disk, giving it a distinct 
photometric signal at P(wobble)... which would be around 1-5 days.  To 
measure such a thing, we need a decent (not impeccable but decent) 
calibration among distant observatories.

For ER UMa, the spear-carriers so far have been Enrique and Bob Koff. 
Both are using GSC 3439-0629 (AAVSO 142), which has V=14.203.

For Paloma, it has been mainly Enrique and Tom Krajci... and the 
comparison star has been GSC 2917-0675, which has V=13.35.

BK Lyn and ER UMa flash beautiful signals, and we'll stick with them for 
at least another 40 days.  Paloma is very multiperiodic, plus faint... 
so the individual-night time series are harder to appreciate (and 
understand).  But that one we should also continue for about another month.

Shorter runs on the DQ Her stars are again in fashion: Swift 0721-13,
WX Pyx, V405 Aur, RX0704+26, RX0636+35, EX Hya, DW Cnc (long only), 
V1033 Cas.

I very much hope that you australites will give a lot of attention to AH 
Men this season - likely another negative superhumper, based on past 
years' performance.  Bob Rea's comp star is GSC 9391-110.


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