(cba:news) CR Boo superoutburst

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Sat Apr 21 06:55:38 EDT 2012

Dear CBAers,

The last day's observations from Tut and Enrique show that CR Boo has 
jumped into superoutburst.  The major part of CR Boo's supers is always 
brief, and we've never caught one really well.  Therefore, we've never 
obtained the precise information we're used to getting from 
superoutbursts in general.  The equatorial location hurts us too - 
either because runs are short, or perhaps because people decide not to 
observe it (horizon, expected short duration, etc.).  Anyway, the timing 
is perfect now, and it would be great to follow this elusive star tree 
to tree.  Enrique's comparison star is the AAVSO 137 star, with V=13.733.

Spookily, that's the exact frequency of BK Lyn's negative superhump in 
c/d.  Hint to lottery players?


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