(cba:news) another blow against conventional wisdom...

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Mon Aug 30 10:39:34 EDT 2010

Oops.  Now there's a nice correction!  David Boyd sent in the first of 
the season's runs on IGR0023+61 and MU Cam.  They're both flamboyant 
pulsators! (see attached time series).

On the one hand, it'll make cycle counting really easy - no long runs 
needed.  But on the other hand, if we *do* get long runs, we can study 
these pulsations, and their possible sidebands, in great detail.  Mighty 
good for those long northern nights (when they get long, that is).


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: (cba:news) the DQ Her stars

Except for a few garish guys like FO Aqr and RX0704+26, DQ Her amplitudes
are usually low enough that you can't really spot the individual pulses.
If you have a suitable analysis program (something like PERANSO), you can
tell at night's end whether you have a detection.

Good luck!


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