(cba:news) sdss1502+33 and others

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Tue Jul 14 13:37:59 EDT 2009

Dear CBAers,

Thanks for all the great data on SDSS1502 = Boo!  Very well-defined 
eruption, lots of eclipses and superhumps and features well suited for 
timing studies.  It's down to around 16 now, so I imagine will soon 
disappear from most of your radar screens.  But if you're up to a 
deep-sky challenge, stay with it.

Just to reiterate, V442 Oph is in a very rare low state (around 17) and 
we'd like to hammer away on it for a while longer.  Still pretty sparse 
CBA coverage (nearly all from Bob Rea)... though enough to define the 
orbital period.  A good star to gang up on.

Time to quit on RX1643+34 = V1084 Her.  We've got enough.

Many DQ Her stars (intermediate polars) in the sky now.  We track the 
pulse timings of these stars, and now's the time for the early-season 
timings that are vital.  DQ Her, V2306 Cyg, and V455 And are all good 
northern targets now.  V1223 Sgr, RX1730-05 (Oph), AO Psc, and FO Aqr 
are all good southern or equatorial targets.

We'd like to go another 1-2 weeks on V4743 Sgr.  What a strange star - 
full of periods, but still quite mysterious as to what they mean!


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