(cba:news) GW Lib and MV Lyr

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Tue May 27 23:12:25 EDT 2008

Dear CBAers,

I've caught up with the analysis of the CR Boo and GW Lib data.  CR Boo 
is up to its usual (well, common anyway) hijinks, ramping up and down on 
a timescale of about a day.  The high-state "superoutbursts" are just 
too short to permit very sensitive periodic-signal study.  It'll be a 
good study - sixty days worth - but it's time to end it.

The best southern object now is definitely GW Lib, which is flashing a 
powerful 2.1 hour photometric wave.  Perfectly placed now for a 
multi-longitude study!

Likewise for MV Lyr, usually around 12.7 or so, and just recently 
dropped 2 mag or more.  For years we've wanted to get orbital light 
curves just after a transition to a faint state.  Now's the chance!


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