(cba:news) cba lists

Jonathan Kemp jk at cbastro.org
Sat Sep 18 23:05:55 EDT 2004

Hi CBAers,

As announced in a recent message and as you have seen in recent posts, we
now have a cba-chat list to go along with cba-news.

Since we now have a split of the original list of sorts, if you find that
you prefer to only receive cba-news and not cba-chat, please send me an
e-mail.  Additionally, if you have any other subscription queries, you
should feel free to e-mail me directly.

Also, if you change institutions and/or e-mail addresses, please let me
know.  I'll happily change your address and it also cuts down on chasing
down malfunctioning forward setups and also means that I won't have to
manually pipe through any contributions you make to the lists.

Lastly, thanks for bearing with us during recent server upgrades.  While
it was probably transparent to most of you (e-mail services were largely
uninterrupted), apologies if you came across some part of the web site
that was momentarily down.


CBA Hilo

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