From jop at Wed Feb 4 13:43:34 2004 From: jop at (Joe Patterson) Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 13:43:34 -0500 (EST) Subject: (cba:news) new stars... Message-ID: Dear CBAers, A new eruptive star just popped off in Libra (I think it's in Libra). Details below. The seasonal timing is very poor, but because it's equatorial, we might well be able to piece together individual runs for a pretty good study - and in particular, a decent period determination. It's very likely to be a new dwarf nova. New to humans, anyway. So find a nice friendly comp star and fire away during those last few hours of the night! YY Dra has come down off its eruption, and lost its spot on the CBA menu. I still hope for FS Aur coverage, even though it's poorly placed too; the periodic behavior during the most recent data was pretty odd, and I hope we can figger it out before the season ends (which is soon). SDSS 0809+38 remains of high interest, though we haven't managed to get long runs. Finally, it's T Pyx season again. Individual time series of T Pyx don't show much, but the splice shows the periodic wave that it is apparently the signature of its orbital period. Which is changing very rapidly. Time for one more season of coverage, then we go to press over it. joe ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 00:33:55 +0900 (JST) From: Hitoshi YAMAOKA To: vsnet-alert at Subject: [vsnet-alert 7983] Re: ASAS 153616-0839.1 eruption >ASAS-3 alert system has detected Delta V > 4 mag >outburst (dwarf nova?) of the star >ASAS 153616-0839.1 (15:36:16 -08:39:06, Eqnx 2000), >which is coincident with the V>16 object on the DSS image. It seem to be coincident with this star: USNO-A2.0 15:36:15.871 -08:39:04.17 bmag=17.1 rmag=17.5 GSC-2.2 15:36:15.922 -08:39:06.49 bmag=18.83 USNO-B1.0 15:36:16.00 -08:39:07.6 pmRA=48mas/yr pmDE=-72mas/yr r1=17.70 b2=18.26 r2=18.69 i=18.89 The proper motion suggests that it is a somewhat neighbouring object (that of WZ Sge (7.0-15.5B) is 102 mas/yr). Best Wishes, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan yamaoka at From jop at Sun Feb 29 12:03:55 2004 From: jop at (Joe Patterson) Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 12:03:55 -0500 (EST) Subject: (cba:news) March stars Message-ID: Dear CBAers, Sorry for the long silence. I'm now teaching simultaneously at Columbia and Princeton, and it's kind of wearing me out. Thank heaven for spring break in 2 weeks. I did manage to finish the DW Cnc paper, and expect to send the final version off tomorrow. That's with co-authors Vanmunster, Martin, Campbell, Robertson, Kemp, Messier - I hope I didn't forget anyone! Great star, with three very tractable periods (white-dwarf spin, orbit, and the frequency difference between them). We didn't seem to do very well this month with eruptive objects. For ASAS 1536-08 I haven't finished analyzing the data, but it's hampered by the bad sky position. No one can get long runs on equatorial stars out-of-season, so we just have brief snippets of data - very unfavorable for period analysis. Time to take that off the menu, I guess. BZ UMa just erupted, and that mysterious star deserves a *lot* more study. Vanmunster and Starkey got good data sets... but it looks like the eruption is short, possibly already over (?). It could still pan out, but it's kinda doubtful right now. U Gem just erupted, and this is a good target for the bright of the Moon coming up. We'd like to get orbital light curves for the whole eruption cycle - and we might as well start now. But you will need to cover most or all of the 4.2 hr orbit; short runs aren't of much use now. (Also, you'll have a nearby Moon for the next coupla days.) Methinks the best northern target now is SDSS 0809+38 ("Lyn" in CVcat). This star has a 2.4 hour spectroscopic period, but our data - from Cook, Martin, Krajci, Messier - suggests a 3.2 hour photometric signal. This is not a certain result, but it's strong enough to elevate the star's priority. Let's chase that star down into a tree on your northwest horizon! The other good northern targets are RX0625+73 ("Cam") - good for very long runs, good to fight off that Moon rampaging through the ecliptic - and BH Lyn. BH Lyn is a star in which we found superhumps in 1997, but with one-day aliasing preventing us from assigning + or - status to it. That can be fixed with good geographic distribution. In the south, the T Pyx campaign can be suspended for a few months. We have a very good timing from the last week (Monard, Rea, Allen), and it fits in with the violently-increasing-Porb ephemeris. Consider trying WX Pyx. At V=17.7, this star ain't right for just anyone... but its pulsation signal is quite large, within reach of a 10-inch in white light. It would be great to follow the 26 minute pulse through two observing seasons, establishing a long-term ephemeris. Good dark nights only, admittedly. Then there are the Hydra boys. There's a weird cluster of CVs in Hydra found by the Edinburgh-Cape survey. I recommend V393 Hya = EC10578-2935. It has a nice orbital (or possibly superhump) signal, and a pretty QPO also at ~16 minute. Very nice for studying the QPO phenomenon. I'm also going to keep AH Men and EX Hya on the menu. These are really always excellent targets... good for brightness, length of observing season, and astrophysical rewards. Delete FS Aur, BG CMi, V436 Car. Nice planetary lineup in the evening sky, hey? Sure is good for star parties! joe