(cba:news) a few updates

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Fri Oct 17 01:10:57 EDT 2003

Dear CBAers,

As many of you know, V1101 Aql has been in some sort of an outburst the
last few days.  I dunno what kind of an outburst it is - possibly a dwarf
nova - but the star's photometric wave appears to maintain a constant
amplitude in intensity units as the light level moves up and down. Pretty
interesting!  Definitely worth staying for another few weeks, despite the
somewhat awkward sky placement.

Here's another good northern star: LD 317, known as "And" in the CV
catalogue.  Not much known about it yet.  We got a coupla nights at Kitt
Peak before the observing run ended; now it's time to turn the CBA guns on

No change in the south.  Jennie McCormick started up the campaign on AH
Men.  May it prove a winner - that star has been mighty kind to us.

For the past several weeks we have effectively lost access to VSNET, and
many efforts to get it restored have failed.  This handicaps us greatly in
our ability to respond to news of new dwarf-nova outbursts.  I'd be
grateful if cbaers could help me keep informed about such things (and
other potential targets for campaigns)... and perhaps be more aggressive
about using cba-news.  We have a pretty small mailing list, so don't think
you're spamming the world.



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