(cba:news) HV Vir

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Sun Jan 6 13:52:08 EST 2002

Well, it's definitely a super, and I hope you folks can capture those
precious photons before they fade.  Arne Henden sent me some good comp
stars - quite a few, but I picked out a couple for special recommendation
(not too red, and suitably bright, and probably on everybody's chip).
Namely, a V=14.10 star 2.0' W and 1.35' S from HV Vir (the bright star at
the lower right of the Downes et al. chart - the one at the CBA website),
and a V=16.24 star 3.6'E and 1.2' S from HV Vir (off the Downes et al.

The first star is best - it will serve you for most of the eruption, quite
possibly all of the eruption.  A great comp star.  But with the larger
telescopes, you might saturate this star late in the eruption, and might
want to shift to the second star (or some other fainter star in the field,
as long as you tell me which it is).

Ooooo, another wz sagittae star erupts, that's exciting.  I'm not sure
that the southerners, with those short nights, can get it... but
borealites should have a lot of fun with this star!


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