(cba:news) CR Boo and other stars for late March

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Wed Mar 21 17:59:23 EST 2001

Dear CBAers,

CR Bootis may have greeted yesterday's arrival of northern spring with a
fresh (super)outburst.  It's not that easy to tell since the supers in
this star are only a little brighter than the normal outbursts.  But I'd
bet this one is a super.

Somewhat disappointing, because our South African observing run is still 2
weeks off, and I'd hoped to catch a super then.  But with a CBA
blitzkrieg we could nail the (likely) powerful superhumps now (as in
TONIGHT, wherever you are)... and then study the residual weak superhumps 
that appear to trail far, far beyond the supermax itself.  So for all
latitudes and longitudes, let's go for this!

You can read about our 1996 campaign in PASP 109, 1100.  We can do much
better this year.

RZ LMi is back at minimum.  Except for the bigscopers, we can leave it
alone for another week or so, when a fresh super is expected.

DW UMa... a good northern target, but I think worth deferring till CR Boo
speaks its piece.

AH Men... Robert Rea and Maria Marsh continue with a very effective
(though so far solitary) campaign.  I can't urge suspension of this great
data resource, which is defining the star's many periods so clearly.
But if there were some way to do that AND CR Boo, that would be mighty


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