(cba:news) HT Cam, flash in the pan?

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Sun Dec 30 12:54:50 EST 2001

(gold mining analogy)

Lotta clouds in the USA last night, so only reported observation so far is
Jonathan's through heavy cloud cover at Kitt Peak.  It showed the star
declining very rapidly, about 0.2 mag per hour.  The 8.5 minute and 86
minute periods were powerfully seen, mighty interesting in itself.  But at
that decline rate, the star will be near quiescence tonight... so
*probably* the star should disappear from the CBA world until it manages
an actual super, if it ever does (none observed so far in history).

Keep up the vigil on other targets.  I'm inclined to ring down the curtain
on RX2329+06, though... getting just too late in the season.  And for you
Australites, it's time to get TX Col onto center stage.  Dave, can you
send the exact particulars of your campaign?


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