(cba:news) the dwarf novae strike again

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Mon Mar 10 14:28:22 EST 1997

Dear CBAers,

The DW UMa campaign is goin' good.  Keep up the good work.

I heard from Brian Warner a couple hours ago that he has gotten 7
straight nights on T Leo in superoutburst.  And I believe that Lasse
Jensen and Tonny Vanmunster got some coverage slightly before that.
All well endowed with our favorite bumps 'n wiggles.  So we *have*
managed to get good coverage, despite my earlier hand-wringing.  And
therefore we should now promote T Leo to a high-priority target.  By
following it intensively for another 7-10 days, we will have a long and
dense time series for analysis.  And with an equatorial and relatively
bright star, everyone can play.  Brian is going off the star as of
tonight, so please jump in and assume humanity's burden to follow it.
Pay no attention to any allegations that it has "returned to
quiescence", because the star is (in my opinion) more interesting than
ever in the aftermath of superoutbursts, especially if it "echoes" as
has happened in the past.

Meanwhile, we're getting ready for a major southern campaign on V803
Cen.  Australites take note, I'll write soon about it.


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