(cba:news) EG Cancri and friends

Jonathan Kemp jk at cbastro.org
Sun Dec 1 05:20:07 EST 1996

Photometry from Cerro Tololo on the 1-meter (1 December, UT)... 

     EG Cnc:  V = 12.20 @ HJD 2450418.8355

Field stars of possible interest to CCD observers for comparison purposes
(positions are my best estimates and are approximate):

     2.8' W, 0.3' S :  V = 13.86, B-V = 0.66
     3.1' W, 0.9' N :  V = 15.64, B-V = 0.81
     4.0' W, 0.5' N :  V = 12.82, B-V = 0.73

EG Cnc is very unfavorably placed for my southern latitude and short
nights.  I did manage a very short time series on it.  All of the above
observations were made at sec z > 1.9.  I still need to verify my
calibration calculations from the standards I observed, but I figure this
will give you something to go on. 

Additionally, some provisional data on comparison stars marked on CBA
finding charts:

     PX And comp 1:  V = 13.63, B-V = 0.71
     PX And comp 2:  V = 14.34, B-V = 0.61

     RR Pic comp 1:  V = 13.06, B-V = 0.85
     RR Pic comp 2:  V = 10.92, B-V = 1.08

And, foreseeing a possible spring campaign, V 803 Cen (= AE 1, a helium
CV) comparison star roughly 2.2' S, 0.2' E is V = 13.39, B-V = 0.59.



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