(cba:news) V380 Oph, no dice

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Wed Aug 15 19:21:37 EDT 2012

Hi CBAers,

We're satisfied now that V380 Oph is only in a semi-low state, not a 
really deep low state, which would have warranted an HST observation. 
So: job well done.  However, before concluding it, could someone get a 
long time series?  The snapshot data suggested there may be a periodic 
signal there - could someone check?

Also, take RX2133+51 off the list.  We've got enough now to bridge the 
data gap back to 2011, and can retire the star for the year (or possibly 
until December).

It's a good season for GD 552 - keep up the steady coverage on that star!


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