(cba:news) Var Cas 06, he liveth

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Sun Nov 12 22:25:10 EST 2006

Dear CBAers,

Don't forget ol' Var Cas 06 = GSC 3656-1328 (w/3656-1399 as comp star).
We've been studying that star as an excellent candidate for microlensing 
(ATel should be coming out tomorrow).  The event is not quite over yet, 
and the rate of return to normal will be a significant constraint in 
judging whether the microlensing interpretation holds up.  So follow 
that star!

I realize the apparently constant light level will not impress the 
neighbors, or yourself either... but this is a sturdy investment!  V 
filter would be nice, but we can definitely use unfiltered as well.

Tom, I've been putting all of the data on your instrumental delta-mag
scale, since you have the bulk of the data.  This means that your runs 
are especially critical, since the delta-mags don't need any conversion.
I hope you can spare some more time for little VarCas!


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