(cba:news) stars for october

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Thu Sep 29 23:42:32 EDT 2005

Dear CBAers,

The LS Peg campaign is ready for wrap-up now.  The star displayed a
handsome negative superhump throughout, with coverage dense enough to
enable sensitive search for some of the lesser-known effects (especially
the precession period itself).  It's not going to get any better, so it's
time to quit.

Two other prime targets du jour are Cep 1 and HS2339+30 ("And"). These are
not eliciting much attention!  I realize they're tough - around 16.5 - but
the Moon's outa the way and these stars, likely to be among the oldest of
cataclysmic binaries, will repay handsomely in terms of the science reaped
(even if the light curve's no thing of beauty).

Two new (relatively) bright northern targets.  The first is LD 317
("And"), a rewarding 14.5 mag star which we started last year and seemed
to find 5 hr and 25 minute modulations.  These demand more study!  The
second is LQ Peg, of similar brightness and unknown period.  Our past
efforts on LQ Peg have been meager and unsuccessful - and so, for that
matter, has everyone else's.

And in the south...

We had quit on RZ Gru... but then the star started to dive down to a low
state, and that enormously boosts its priority (because it's rare that we
get to observe these things with advance notice).  So RZ Gru, presently
hanging near 14th magnitude, is now a very good target for long
time-series coverage.

As is BW Scl.  In that one (about 16.5-17) we're mainly interested in the
orbital signal, although anything else would be a bonus - and an outburst
would be gold (none recorded in history, although it's very likely to be a
dwarf nova).

So there's the new menu.  Happy observing!  Beautiful fall weather has
finally struck in the northeast US - I hope it's as fine where you are.


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