(cba:news) sdss1702 caput

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Fri Oct 14 10:32:27 EDT 2005

OK, I'm convinced.  This star has faded too far to be a reasonable target
for CBA photometry.  Nevertheless, the vigilance of observers, and
especially Arto, as given us a nice data set ro document the superoutburst
and superhumps.  We'll couple it with large-scope photometry next spring
for a very nifty study.

Over the weekend I'll summarize what I manage to extract from a quick-look
at this data - though I suspect it'll be simply what Arto has already
pointed out.

HS2331+3905 is perhaps the best target for northern observers - though at
16.5 a little challenging for bright-moon or cloudy conditions.  PX And is
a very good target too, and not as demanding.


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