(cba:news) stars for June

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Mon Jun 7 00:04:33 EDT 2004

Dear CBAers,

Time for a more complete update on our campaigns.

We're not quite working any dwarf novae right now.  Several are in
superoutburst, but for various reasons they're not that suitable.  We've
had extremely good coverage of TT Boo and TV Crv in past eruptions -
better than anything we're likely to accomplish now.  And LL And is really
poorly placed; we're getting some coverage from MDM Observatory and
sending to Tonny, but the runs are so short now that this'll be good
mainly just for a period measure.

V380 Oph continues to be a puzzler.  A very, very strange power spectrum.
I dunno if we can figure it out, but our best hope is certainly to stitch
together light curves from many longitudes.  Now that the Moon is (more or
less) out of the way, let the good time series roll!

It's definitely a good time for southerners to peek back in on V803 Cen.
It's been about 75 d since the last superoutburst, and we'd love to catch
it in the early stages of the NEXT superoutburst (the mean interval is
about 80 d).  Later in the night, the good targets are V380 Oph, or two
recent novae: V4743 Sgr and V1494 Aql.  Both of the latter are likely to
be good buddies for the rest of the month.

By the way, if you can handle 17th magnitude, a great southern target is
IM Nor.  We've been tracking its orbital modulation for several years, and
it appears to show a quite interesting period change - which another
season's coverage is needed to confirm.

In the north, it's still V380 Oph and RX1643+34 ("Her") - and perhaps
V1494 Aql.


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