(cba:news) Humps in RU Hor!

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Sat Sep 27 21:15:36 EDT 2003

Dear CBAers,

A day or so ago, Rod Stubbings helped to dispel rumors that he
occasionally sleeps... when he found RU Hor in a bright outburst. An hour
ago Greg Bolt sent the first night's coverage, showing strong superhumps.
So welcome this new addition to the SU UMa family!

You all know the routine.  A great southern target after V551 Sgr sets.
Might be a good idea to suspend VY Scl for a little while to take
advantage of this rare outburst.

In northern skies, I'm inclined to ring down the curtain on V585 Lyr. The
coverage has been WONDERFUL!  Best targets in the evening sky now are OR
And and LS Peg.


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