(cba:news) new season, new stars

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Mon Mar 24 19:00:46 EST 2003

Dear CBAers,

Just finished analyzing a mess of data on Feb-March campaign stars.  Will
write of the results tomorrow.  For now, I'd like to shuffle priorities
for the new dark-moon period...

The following stars are done for the season: T Pyx, UMa7, and EC1158-3142.
Details to follow...  Here are the new targets I recommend:

NORTH.  UMa6.  Top priority, available most of the night.  This star is
about 15.5, but shows eclipses to ~16.5.

DW Cnc.  About 14.8, evening only.  Our prime northern target of the
season, but the season is waning.

V533 Her - for the early risers!

SOUTH.  Mysterious new target in Hydra: "Hya" in CV Cat, or EC10578-2935.
Look carefully at CV cat - there are a million stars with this "Hya" name,
and half a million quite close together in the sky.  Some kind of CV
factory goin' on there... possibly making weapons of mass destruction.

WX Cen.  Ubetcha.  Let's start up the year's campaign.  Bright star,
suitable for everyone!  Of the australite persuasion, anyway.

Back home again after a CLOUDY observing run...


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