(cba:news) Back to V1315 Aql?

Joe Patterson jop at astro.columbia.edu
Sat Sep 2 10:24:33 EDT 2000

Dear CBAers,

Tonny and Captain Bob observed up a storm on V405 Vul last week, but the
result was very puzzling.  Either our coverage was (mostly) too late to
refine the knowledge of the superhump period, or the star's light curve is
much too complicated for us to decipher.  Or both.  Extensive data from
widely separated longitudes did not reveal a strong signal in the week's
light curve.

Sometimes an initial failure just means that the star is even more
interesting than we thought!  Sometimes.  But it's too late in the
observing season, and probably in the eruption, to really take this on
with (more) gusto.  So I think we should end the V405 Vul campaign, and
just shove these weird power spectra (data available to all who ask) into
a drawer somewhere until we get a good shot in the middle of the northern

It's even *later* in the V1315 Aql observing season, but this object is
available in both hemispheres, and we have a fairly limited objective -
to break the 24-hour alias.  It has nice superhumps, but only
round-the-world coverage will break the alias.  This star is also known as
KPD 1911+1212, and is located at J2000 19 13 54.59  +12 18 2.3.  Good
chart in Downes and Shara (Feb 93 PASP).

The other two objects for coverage now are UU Aqr and Cep 1 = GD552.  Even
snapshots (1 magnitude) are useful on the latter, by the way.

The DQ Her stars (DQ Her, AO Psc, FO Aqr, V1223 Sgr, V405 Aur, V709 Cas,
RX0757+63) are also of high interest.  They *always* are, and have the
merit (usually) of needing only relatively brief observations (say 2-3
rather than 3-5 hours).


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